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Yes, Late Term Abortions are Happening in America

Late-term abortions are a hot topic right now in the pro-life/pro-choice debate, and there is much tension as to whether or not they are happening in the United States. Recently, there have been claims from the political world that late-term abortions don’t exist and that infants are not born alive during abortions. With the presidential election coming up, it is important to remain educated on abortion laws in the country so we can vote for a pro-life future. 

What is the claim?

Presidential nominee Kamala Harris famously said, “Nowhere in America is a woman carrying a pregnancy to term and asking for an abortion. That is not happening.” This sparked debate, as nine states and the District of Columbia have no gestational ban on abortions, meaning that a woman could in theory abort her child at full term. 

What is considered a late-term abortion?

A late-term abortion is any abortion performed after the 13th week of pregnancy, or after the first trimester. About 93% of abortions happen during the first trimester (and most via the abortion pill). But what about the rest? It is true that most abortions happen early on in pregnancy, and a significant amount happen before 21 weeks, yet about 1% of abortions in the United States happen after 21 weeks. It is important to note that it is widely regarded that the age of viability is between 22-24 weeks. 

What does a late-term abortion entail?

Getting a late-term abortion requires extensive time, as the process can take 4-5 days from start to finish. For a woman seeing a late-term abortion, she would need to see an abortionist who specializes in late-term abortions, as most abortionists are not willing to perform the procedure. There are a couple of ways in which late-term abortions are performed. Most require the woman to undergo a forceful dilation of her cervix in order to allow for the abortionist to insert the tools used to dismember the fetus. Since the fetus is too big to be expelled from her body on its own, abortionists will remove the fetus part by part. 

Are late-term abortions happening in America?

Yes, very much so. There are plenty of places where late-term abortions are legal and happening. Warren Herd is an abortionist in Colorado who specializes in late-term abortions. He and his team perform about a dozen second or third-trimester abortions a week. In the state of Minnesota, abortionists are required to report certain data, one point being the gestational age of the fetus. In 2021, 1,621 abortions were performed in the second trimester, and 1 was performed in the third trimester. 5 of these infants were born alive. Of these 5 infants, none of them received life-saving care and subsequently died. 

It is a known fact that late-term abortions are happening and infants born alive during abortions are being denied life-saving care. As we head into election season, it is important to know that your vote matters. Consider doing your own research on different pro-life stances and candidates before you head to the polls.

HELP Pregnancy Aid is adamantly against abortion during all stages of pregnancy. If you or someone you know is looking for resources and support during an unexpected pregnancy, reach out today to schedule an appointment. 

HELP Pregnancy Aid is a non-profit organization based in Grand Rapids, MI that provides women with unexpected pregnancy support services including encouragement, information, and material resources. Help us continue our mission of empowering pregnant and young mothers in a Christ-like manner.